...the Stanton adventures...

...the Stanton adventures...

Accidents, Autumn, and Driving, OH MY!!!

Good evening blogging world!!  Tonight’s post is coming to you from a very mentally and physically exhausted Christina, so I apologize for the lack of cohesiveness in tonight’s post.

I was at work until 3pm today, and then I left with Mom so that she could pick up her truck from the shop.  Long story short, her truck’s wheel bearings pretty much fell apart on her way upstate last weekend, so she needed to drop it off at the shop (less than 5 minutes from where she was).  The truck ended up being right off from where they get off the NYS Thruway, so it wasn’t that awful, it just was inconvenient for everyone.  Mom asked that I bring her up to the shop to pick up the truck, so I gladly (a little hesitantly) obliged (I think I said that already).

ANYWAY…we leave work at 3, and start to head up north via the NYS Thruway.  We get to mile marker 68 around 3:45pm, and all of a sudden traffic starts to slow down.  I take a picture, because I figure, “hey, it’s just a little traffic – figures, our luck, right?”

But then we notice…that there were flashing lights in this traffic…We were pretty close to it too – crazy that had we left a couple minutes earlier than we did, we would probably be involved in whatever was up there!!!!

AND THEN we notice that there was a Medivac circling the area…that’s never a good sign…

HOLY CRAP!!!  The friggin’ Medivac landed ON THE HIGHWAY!!!  What the hell is going onnnn????

He landed just before 4pm, and was there for a while…but he was RIGHT ON THE HIGHWAY – that’s insane!!!  I’ve seen Medivacs land before, but never right on the highway!!!

Then we walked to the other side of the road, and we could see that there was one car in the grassy area to the right of the highway – see it in the picture below?

Not to mention we were so close (like less than a football field away), and the traffic backed up for MILES….(when we got started going again, we noted that the traffic back-up on the OTHER SIDE of the highway (going south) was a 17 MILE BACK-UP).  That’s just insane….

This Medivac was on the highway (with the blades still going) for a good 30 minutes before finally taking off…

Here’s hoping the guy in the chopper is headed for good news.  We did find out what happened (from a trucker talking on the CB radio…)…apparently a man had a heart attack while driving, and crashed…affected 2 other cars, which I wasn’t able to get a picture of…so hopefully everyone’s ok!!!

Now…we start heading towards our destination (about 45 minutes later), and we’re enjoying the ride…talking, laughing, and enjoying the wonderful fall colors in the area….it was a beautiful ride, really.  Always is.  And the company was amazing too – haven’t had a great Mother-Daughter day like that in a while – it was LONG overdue.  My Mom means the world to me, and I love having days/afternoons like that.

We finally get to the destination where the truck-break-down happened….Furlong’s, just off the NYS Thruway.  Apparently this is where Mom and Mark were waiting for the flatbed to take the truck to the shop.  So glad everything turned out ok…

As we get closer to where the shop is, we stop at a Scenic Lookout, and take some pictures of the turning leaves, and setting sun.  It was a great ending to a great afternoon with my Mother.

We get to the shop a little after 6pm, and I leave Mom with her newly-fixed truck to get on my way back home.  After what feels like hours of driving (which it pretty much was)…I get home to Greg around 8:30…FINALLY.

And now…I’m enjoying relaxing on the couch, blogging, watching Mr. Meowgi catch bugs, and Greg play Mario.  Love this moment right now, and wouldn’t want it any other way.

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